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zed bull for sale

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its staggering how quickly diagnostic equipment loses value , in the case of zedbull it was the chinese cloning it that killed it off , without the tpx and tph boxes it relies on the iea web server which isnt the most reliable or quickest for this , thus the reale value has plumetted .


its still good kit , i use mine daily still but not the cloner element , i use it for the obd functions with the necessary leads , as a cloner its not as up to date as my RW4 plus and Lishi cloner , though is still a cracking cloner for coverage but has been devalued by the good old chinese.


i see a few of these on sites for sale ranging from £500 to £1000 dependent on whats with it , ie clone boxes , obd leads , 8c add on etc .


IEA have put everything into zedfull now which has left zedbull as the poor devalued poor relation despite still being a cracking piece of kit , it has been a cracking buy for me and the obd leads have all paid back 10 fold and is still doing so .


good luck and i hope you sell it but i think your best chance of getting a decent price for it is to sell to someone starting out  .

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