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Help with infilling an engraving

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Hi All, 



Hope you can help, I have a customer who would like this simple piece of artwork engraving. I have converted it into an EPS file but when i engrave it it only engraves as an outline, This is where the problem is as when i infill it using Gravostyle 7 it infill the complete heart and will not engrave the initials, How do i infill just the heart and leaving the initials as they are?



Any help would be greatly appreciated


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sometimes when you vectorise you get two line for each line. you have to delete one set then it will infill OK.





Hi Lee, 



Thank you so much thats perfect! Id really like to understand where im going wrong, When you say there is 2 lines do you mean they overlap each other? and how are they deleted?


Ill make a donation later on for your help :)

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if its an eps you should just be able to fill

not working on G7 so can you split(ungroup) the heart from the initials then click the two(highlight them) then try and fill?

if that dont work down load the file to downloads and ill have a look at it

carry on!



Yes i have converted it to an EPS file, When i click on ungroup nothing changes? Really unsure where im going wrong with this. Lee has kindly converted it for me :) I would really like to understand how to do it though i hate not knowing how to use my equipment to its full potential

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when you click on ungroup all it does is "break" it up

so you should be able to click on the initials and they will be highlited

or click on the heart and it will be highlighted

try it 

its difficult not knowing what tools you have available on your level of software


carry on!

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Assuming your imported eps has only a single line and no doubles, and all lines are properly connected (if the initials aren't closed shapes then they wont fill), then you should group all parts together and then apply fill.


If you like, send me the gnh file and I will have a look.




GVUK Support

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