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gas lighters

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Thanks for the info about Clippers, and we'll avoid the Crocodile lighters because that's a problem that we kept having with Hadson. One of several reasons we stopped dealing with their supplier and why we're looking for something else.


We tried ZippoBlu a few years ago but ended up reducing them because they weren't selling. We have been asked for them since though, so maybe trends are changing.



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The Blu2 are a bit cheaper and look more like the standard Zippo lighter, so may sell better.

I had a customer that liked Zippo's but wanted a gas version so he found an insert on Ebay that fits a standard Zippo but is a gas lighter. I think he paid about £12 for one, can't remember what they were called now. Would need to get them cheaper than that to retail at a reasonable price but I'm not willing to order thousands from China on Alibaba on the off chance of selling a few!!! [-(

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Rayknight is certainly worth further investigation, and I've definitely come across that name before.


I cannot find any lighters listed on the Wilson & Son website, so I'll give them a call to check whether they still do them.


Wage Slave, please can you ask the 'fella nearby' where he gets his Colibris from? I've done a search for wholesalers and come up with a very odd bunch.


Thanks again, Valerie

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