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Thats why we bought the standalone tpx cloner.


The internet decoding usually works a treat, but when it doesnt work it can be a nightmare.


The new Silca GTI chips that can be used for tpx 1,2,3 and 4 are about to hit the market and may make a silca

machine a better option in the long run.


They will be a lot cheaper than the current mh heads/tpx chips and will be available in the next couple of months.

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Please be aware if not using a TRS5000 - TPX2 chips can fail as other machines COPY JMA's software and is not the official software which JMA keep on improving with their Machines .


EG Most machines are using the 1st ever version of JMAs software when these chips were made around 8 plus years ago, JMA have made Many Many update and improvements .



JMA saw Silcas chips and this is part of an email I received . "Quote JMA "

It is just a bit ironic that after selling for 8 years their electronic heads, now they have to copy to us the cloning method.

It is clear that our solution was technologically more advanced and long-lived.


This all said they do look interesting.

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Sorry forgot to add there are Copy TPX Chips now from China - so if your supplier is selling copies these may be an issue .


We supply JMA Only - and check any returned chips to see why a fault may have occurred . Most times the chips are coded onto but the error happened in the coding process .

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Just received a new batch of TPX2s today, slightly different packaging, surprise surprise, no problems.

Now my question is, is it possible to accidently damage the TPX2s by, say, storing to close to a computer or a magnetic field of some kind?.

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