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hi guys and girls

looking for some help with chipped keys, i've a rw4 plus with lastest updates but keep getting keys in which the rw 4 says cannot duplicate (see attached photos)

is there anything i can do to do these! or what machine would you recommend? i know im not going to be able to do every key that comes though the door but its frustrating not being able to do them. :-k

phone 004.JPG

phone 005.JPG

phone 002.JPG

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for counter top cloning essentially any brand will do about the same, the silca / bianchi offerings utilize their own brand heads & blades & the likes of the ad900 & Miraclone can usually use more than one brands chips or heads but often rely on an internet connection to do so.


the later two have more options & advancements when it comes eprom & programming work, but for what you require virtually any machine will do about the same & currently no cloner will do id46 without going to the car to get information either with a snoop device or by turning the ignition a set number of times & no cloner will do id48 as yet. you have to progress to incar programming to do such vehicles.



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