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Patcher Thread Tension Problems

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My patcher is playing up & I can't get it to do anything.

The work is piling up & I'm in trouble if I can't get it working properly.


What is happening is that when I start stitching, the first stitch pulls through a loop of thread underneath the work of about 10mm length, this then snags in the following stitches (which also pull too much thread through, but not to the same extent). After 2 or 3 stitches the top thread gets jammed & snaps.


I think I need more tension on the top thread to stop it pulling through, but have wound as much tension on as possible with the nut.


Is there something else that I should be adjusting, as I can't find the answer.

n.b. the machine is one of Keith's (this far magnificent) singer-alike's.


Top of stitching:


Underside of stitching:


Underside of stitching with first loop unravelled for clarity:


Top tension adjuster:


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