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The reverse of an LF45R for a new Bisley key

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I have to cut keys to a new Bisley series, key numbers ACxxx.


The cuts are the same as on the AA series, but the blank seems to be an exact reverse of the very common LF45R (Silca) and there is no LF45 as far as I can see.


Does anyone have any idea with which blank might do the trick?

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I'm not familiar with the AC series for Bisley but if, as you say, the key is an exact reverse of LF45R then i'm not sure if there is an 'actual reverse'.


You should be able to get it out of a HD 'LF93R'.

These are available from us (Hook number H0220)


Once the sides are cut down it should go into the lock sweetly.




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[attachment=0]Bisley AC-series Query 120724.jpg[/attachment]I happen to have a few already!


Thanks, MikeW!


Will make a sample key and test it on the customer.


Hmm, the codes are the ones used for the AA-series which are cut on the LF45R.


I have attached a pic of an AC-key



No Problem Growster!

If that blank doesn't work, seeing a picture of the end profile of the key always helps with identification.

Out of interest, where did you obtain the codes from? Instacode, silca, etc?




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