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help which grease for is200tx machine

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as title says..i have been using gt85 on my machine about every 6 months..mostly on chrome carriages that carry the spindle shaft thingy back and forth (and sideways) but each time i noticed pre applied grease on a long threaded bolt that runs parallell to these and didnt touch it as didnt have a clue as to what kind of grease it is..looks like its time to refresh it as it looks a bit dry now..machine wasnt moving as smoothly and freely so i cleaned and applied gt85 as usual but would like to put some grease on the said part too ..

any suggestions welcom :D

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Let's identify what you are going to put grease on - sounds like you mean the lead screw - black screw thread that runs parallel to silver bars. On IS200 these are designed to run dry regardless of whether there is grease on them now. A dry lubricant - silicon or PTFE from Halfords is good. Certain types of grease will damage the rubber washer inside the lead screw nut - you would think it has done the trick but will come back to bite you when the lead screw nut fails and starts jamming the axes.

If you're not sure what to do email me your phone number and I'll ring back.


Happy engraving



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thanks merv..appreciate you help..this is exactly the part i meant which seems to have grease on it, this has fairly gone now as over the time i have cleaned chrome bars and around it and applied ptfe to chrome bars..my number is in the pm i sent you thanks

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Hi All


Back in circulation briefly!!


Yes gray the silicone compound can, looks good - haven't used it myself but always keen to learn of alternative names for products so that these can be shared about.


helicopterrob - this is a nylon / plastic lead screw nut that runs on a teflon covered (when new!) steel lead screw - best to run dry if possible to keep swarf ingression to a minimum and prolong its working life. The rubber washer in the lead screw nut is the crucial part so any lubrication used must not attack this item.

Always good to share ideas / knowledge with you guys


Can anyone help by sourcing new rubber washers for these lead screw nuts - I've had no luck to date as they are a specialised type - aim being cost of a washer minimum, cost of lead screw nut - ouch!!





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