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Hi chaps

i keep getting a era mortice key in that does not match up to the ones on my board or in sks and hd books

the bit is always wider than sks ref: 353 & 332. now the head looks like a 353 and its a 7gauge.

i have been having to use a standard mortice blank and cut them down and file out the very low and small side cut. i have had to cut 25 of these today so i'm had enough of this manual labour. do any of you know the right blank for this key please,


cheers windy

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Agree 100% era quality went down the tubes in the early nineties and hasn't really improved

with the price increases.


We returned so many profit sashlocks and then invincibles towards the end of their production,

Havent returned any fortress locks as yet so may be a decent lock after all.


Have you tried using genuine keyblanks or only copies as we have found some copy blanks are a little

tight and therefore sometimes not quite wide enough or very slightly off centre.


The new union strongbolt needs genuine blanks as all copies at the moment have the bit a little

to far to the right so then left hand side is not cut correctly.


Other than that is there any chance of a photo as it may be a new lock that ere have launched.

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