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Can anyone offer thier opinion, I'm looking at purchasing a dual purpose key cutting machine, I've narrowed down my choice to between:


Silca Duo Machine


Silca Duo Machine Plus


SKS Cyclone Dual Machine


SKS Cyclone plus Dual Machine


what I'm not sure about is the differnces between the silca and the sks and also the differnces with the 'plus' model, apart from obviously being more expensive, what would you recommend? Or something completely different?


Many Thanks


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I don't know about these models, but in general duel machines limit you.

The jaws are not far enough apart to cut rim mortice keys, some safe keys and warded keys, they also limit one person to cutting a key - two machines two jobs at a time.

If you are happy with that then no problem.

Having said that if I was to start again as a mobile I would have a duel machine. If you near enough to or can make the trip to a supplier go see them and cut a few keys, it a big ivestment and you need to be happy. I did use one that was a shit to move the carriage along kept sticking because the swarf got into the worm gear, don't remember which make though

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Can anyone offer thier opinion, I'm looking at purchasing a dual purpose key cutting machine, I've narrowed down my choice to between:


Silca Duo Machine


Silca Duo Machine Plus


SKS Cyclone Dual Machine


SKS Cyclone plus Dual Machine


what I'm not sure about is the differnces between the silca and the sks and also the differnces with the 'plus' model, apart from obviously being more expensive, what would you recommend? Or something completely different?


Many Thanks



i just ordered a silca duo yesterday for one of ma vans i had a long discussion about it the differance from the duo and the duo plus is the plus can also cut abloy keys which i dont need in the van so i went with the duo. the sks machines are the same one can do abloy keys the cyclone is cheaper and suppose to be more robust in a full cast body no plastic top like the duo but i spent the extra on the duo as it looks better but looks aint everything. silca used to be the best machines but in recent years quality has went right down hill. i had 2 brand new silca lancer plus machines deliveded faulty on arrival i bought a record the new red one in january for a van it died at the weekend the common faulty switch problem so its going back in exchange for the duo.so if you dont mind the agricultural look of the cyclone go for that otherwise buy with your eyes a duo. if it is for daily shop use though get two machines and i would highly recomend my silca bravo best key machine i have ever used. and remember the dual machines cant do ward cuts.


i have a jakey mk2 mortice and a lancer mortice for sale if you want a real mortice machine that can do ward cuts aswell.




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Can anyone offer thier opinion, I'm looking at purchasing a dual purpose key cutting machine, I've narrowed down my choice to between:


Silca Duo Machine


Silca Duo Machine Plus


SKS Cyclone Dual Machine


SKS Cyclone plus Dual Machine


what I'm not sure about is the differnces between the silca and the sks and also the differnces with the 'plus' model, apart from obviously being more expensive, what would you recommend? Or something completely different?


Many Thanks



i just ordered a silca duo yesterday for one of ma vans i had a long discussion about it the differance from the duo and the duo plus is the plus can also cut abloy keys which i dont need in the van so i went with the duo. the sks machines are the same one can do abloy keys the cyclone is cheaper and suppose to be more robust in a full cast body no plastic top like the duo but i spent the extra on the duo as it looks better but looks aint everything. silca used to be the best machines but in recent years quality has went right down hill. i had 2 brand new silca lancer plus machines deliveded faulty on arrival i bought a record the new red one in january for a van it died at the weekend the common faulty switch problem so its going back in exchange for the duo.so if you dont mind the agricultural look of the cyclone go for that otherwise buy with your eyes a duo. if it is for daily shop use though get two machines and i would highly recomend my silca bravo best key machine i have ever used. and remember the dual machines cant do ward cuts.


i have a jakey mk2 mortice and a lancer mortice for sale if you want a real mortice machine that can do ward cuts aswell.






do not buy a duo the build quality is terrible mine is going straight back after talking to a few people it sounds like you will be better off buying a sks cyclone if you really want a dual machine i will be putting a lancer and the rekord back in the van with the side switch bypassed



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I would concur with all the comments regarding having 2 machines, it is more cost effective in the long run, if your machine breaks down your business stops, whereas if you had 2 machines at least you can still cut either mortice or cylinder keys.


It just so happens that i have a as new cylinder machine for sale, if you would like details pm me. :D



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I think the reason why is the server is done automatically and if the account application is not filled out correctly then it will reject it.

Lee french is one


I cant see the other one.


When you look at the front page there is a registration button and you need to fill all the correct info as our server checks it all.



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Lee I submitted further registration to Peters site last night and received confirmation this morning. I will say this though I did not on other occassions fill the form out correctly. This time I followed instructions and completed everything in Capitals even my email. So thanks Pete.




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CAPITALS, fill out correctly! I've filled out many, many forms over the years & consider myself quite computer literate! If I filled the form out wrong & got no confirmation right or wrong either way then the form is floored & a potential business loser!



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I agree 100% with no Capitals, I too would never normally use capitals exclusively on any form. But the instructions at the bottom of the registration form requested ALL details should be completed in capitals. I simply followed the instructions to the letter and Registration was completed. As they say ALWAYS read the small print!!




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Hi Lee. You should be active now.


And mick it was nice to talk to you today.


Our server doent mind if the 1st digit of each word is a capital.

But all of the post code needs to be,


it makes it easier for us to process all the info we get and sames time so we dont have to do it ourselves.



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  • 1 month later...

In terms of the original poster's question, I personally prefer the Cyclone (and the original model at that) over the other choices. Reason being is it's simple to use, reliable and hardwearing, we've had models in for a quick service that are over 15 years old and never had issues that have hit the recent Silca machines.


Arguement for the Cyclone Plus is the mortice jaws are more flexible in what they can use, but are definately more fragile in comparison and generally not recomended for new or novice key cutters.


If you are dead set on owning a Silca machine, go for the cheaper Duo over the Duo Plus as 95% of the time you'll never use the additional option of the Abloy jaws.

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