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We've had no snow yet, but its bloody cold & has been trying to snow today, So I think its on its way. But its been a slow start to the year! I was only here until lunch time yesterday but I still did better than that! that was a bad one!

The worst day I ever had was the second week I started the shop some 20 years ago when I took just £8 one day which is probably like your £25 in todays money :(


I hope today is better!



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Snow? Snow? Don't talk to me about snow. Took me 4.1/2 hours to travel 23 miles home yesterday. I mean whats wrong with people, why can't they drive in snow for gods sake. Its not difficult. its all the first gear foot to the floor brigade that cause the problems.

:twisted: :twisted:

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We had clear roads until today, finally we got some snow over night, not a lot & the schools have gone crazy!


This ones closed that ones closed! gets on my bloody nerves, hospitals don't close, small business' don't close so why are the teachers so bloody lazy.



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Snow? What a novel thought. here in Queensland Australia, we mainly have to contend with Flash Floods. They close everything down (except the hospitals) (poor buggers!) as the water gets to over the bonnet of your car (and I have a 4wd - err... SUV? / whatever you call them...). Anyways, the worst days takings that I have ever had, there was two of us there and all we sold and did all day was a pair of $3.60 laces (2.058 of your pounds). We called the boss at the time and told him but he insisted that we stay open...the both of us had to be there...The shop was very well cleaned and organised that day (took us approximately one and a half hours) and we sat around for the rest of the day. The boss was paying us by the hour and regretted it afterwards. Oh...and the sale of the pair of laces happened about mid-afternoon....



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