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somewhat dissappointed

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recieved some machine parts today that i had ordered ,now when i ordered these i expected to recieve new parts,however on inspecting the said parts it looks as though they are refurbished which is somewhat dissappointing, now when i ordered these parts at no point did i ask for refubed units and at no point did anyone i spoke to say they would be reurbs ,now if the company that supplied these parts tell me that they are new then i would suggest that you may have a problem in your inspection department ,as these parts are so sored and rough that i would never have let them go when i was in the engineering trade ,in fact i had £30000 woth of components scrapped ofto one department becouse they had drilled 1 hole 5 thousanths of an inch out of position in the early stages,

now the moter that arrived does not even have a tech plate stating what ,phase ,speed ,rating , it is

it came with a sheet of paper taken from a note book with a drawn picture on the way to reverse the rotation

so what would you do gents

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contacted supplier this morning and was told that they do not know what went wrong but they will find out and get back to me before the days end ,true to there word within 1/2 hour they were back in touch with apolagy and went thru the whole invoice piece by piece with reason and exlplanationwhich was good enough to satisfy my doubts ,so thankyou to the gent i spoke to for your time and effort in sorting the problem out

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