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Reach... Does it effect us?

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Registration is a requirement on industry (manufacturers/importers) to collect and collate specified sets of information on the properties of those substances they manufacture or supply at or above 1 tonne per year.



do you do this..if the answer is yes then it seems it will affect you..........if the answer is no..............file it under U I :-k

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reading through the regulation, it affects the manufacturers in the main. BUT its their responsability to supply the "downstream users" (us) with a Safety Data Sheet.


I "Think" this a COSHH sheet, possible re-named?????




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Lee on Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:04 am


reading through the regulation, it affects the manufacturers in the main. BUT its their responsability to supply the "downstream users" (us) with a Safety Data Sheet.


i have never seen anything like this in all the years i have been in business, Safety Data Sheet - has anyone else?

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have a look through this section, there are already coshh sheets (the current "data sheets") for some of the products we use.

here's the difference with the new legislations, with coshh its OUR responsibility to get copies, with Reach it's the suppliers who have to make sure we get a copy (I think!)


So as this legislation comes into force make sure you upload the sheets to our site (might save you some time & money in the long run :wink: ) suppliers & manufacturers :)



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