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Where to advertise?

Guest Jon smith

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Guest Jon smith

I have Had a call from the Yellow pages to tell me it is now time to advertise in the in the forthcoming yellow pages (out march).Just wondering where do I split my outlay as I shoe repair,cut keys,engrave,sell trophies,gold foiling &watch repairs.Where would you advertise? All sections? Yell.com? My shop New shop has been open since September. :-k

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I used to have a block advertisement in the yellow pages, but stopped it a few years ago. I still have my free line under shoe repairs & I pay for a single line in key cutting.

But for me its a web site. in the last year I don't think I've had one customer say "I found you in the yellow pages" but I've had many say "I found your site on the web"



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Last year we advertised in Yellow Pages, Yell.com and Bt Phone Book.


We me a big effort to ask customers who called us or new ones in the shop how they found us. Nearly all of them said Yellow Pages and Yell.com. So have just cancelled my adverts in Bt phonebook.


I also asked everyone I knew if they used there phone book most said they couldn't even tell me where it is.


Ask yourself where do you look , I use yell.com I don't even have a phone book or yellowpages chucked them in the bin when they where delivered. :D

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What about those who do not know of you, how do you get them to be aware of your site & shops ?

I've been here since 1989 & still get new customers in every day saying they didn't know I existed but like UK I don't advertise using the traditional media at all, busy enough.

Advertising isn't cheap & its effect is questionable for our trade at times.

My web sites been by far the most cost effective piece of advertising I've ever done.



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i don't know planets company name so i can't google him. :?


i did however google planetuk900 and look what i got.....



You can be sure that no matter what your problem or topic for discussion PlanetUK900 will have the answer and he is "never" wrong.



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What about those who do not know of you, how do you get them to be aware of your site & shops ?

I've been here since 1989 & still get new customers in every day saying they didn't know I existed but like UK I don't advertise using the traditional media at all, busy enough.

Advertising isn't cheap & its effect is questionable for our trade at times.

My web sites been by far the most cost effective piece of advertising I've ever done.




I agree with Lee, on all the above points. :smt045

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I have 2 ads in the papers

Listings in yellow pages under

shoe repairs





also have the same on yell.com

Best advert is the papers for me

You may save a few hundred quid by not advertising in yellow pages/local papers but definately will make your money and more by advertising,even if its only your website address well worth it in my opinoin.

carry on!

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