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needle and thread

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shoegirl, me thinks #33 needel and 4 cord right means you have a chain stitch?

i have a chain and a lock. i tried to use a 33 in the lock. not work. i also tried 4 cord linnen and it blew the thread up.

my issue is with the #5 needel. it leavs a BIG hole. i purchesed a pack of #3, but the power cord is to big in dia. today i got #4, that do work with power cord. so its gettig better. ($80) worth of needels so far. any body need 3-4-5- i got em.

so what im now looking for is a 4 cord polyester.

i think

thanks for replys so far


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  • 2 months later...
Guest cmighells

I have a newbie question- I have a 29K71 machine. I don't make shoes but I do sew heavy leather. What size needles and thread should I be using and where can I buy them? The leather is 3 layers of 5 oz veg tanned leather. Thanks in advance for your help. Also, where can I buy parts for the machine? The darning attachment broke during shipment to me.



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Welcome cmighells to this forum, we hope that we will be able to help in your hour of need.


First of all we dont know where you are located!! We need this information to give you a supplier.

Secondly what thickness in millimeters or inches are the sections when put together.

Thirdly what are they being used for so that we can get some idea of flexibility.

Last but not least, would you be using the Darning part as most folk in the Uk dont what it is for.


Parts can be obtained via Siserve or Standard, both forum participants,

do you have a manual with part numbers to order?

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I have a newbie question- I have a 29K71 machine. I don't make shoes but I do sew heavy leather. What size needles and thread should I be using and where can I buy them?


have a look at this topic, http://www.shoerepairer.info/bb/viewtopic.php?t=1423 this was stitched with a 29K and shows just how much these machines can do! this leather was 7-8mm thick



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  • 2 weeks later...

The threads iszes are different in the UK, they are known in guages and go from 10s (very thick)in gaduations of 10 up to 60, that is 10,

there are others according to manufacturer and substance but the common ones here are 40s to 60s.

While it it technically possible to stitch with the 10s you need a very big needle that is not stocked by our wholesalers. Also you would have to fill the shuttle up far to frequent.

You in the States may have a different Manual than the one produced for the UK.


Darning device for those in the UK that are not aware of what it is for.


Very rarely used.

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