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  Iain Cheall said:

have emailled trend but dispite the email being read just after 9 this morning I haven't reeived an answer.

How do you know when an Email has been read? or are you using the PM system on the Ezebadge web site?



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Guest Iain Cheall

no when i send an email I ask for a receipt so when they look at my email I get an email back saying they have read my original one.


Benifit of using outlook express for your email of course some people have cancelled the automatic receipt bit or say no when asked so i don't always get the reply :wink:


I was browsing the ezebadge forum yesterday and am sorry to report that still noone from trend has replied or looked at it for sometime. There is now a post on there advertising porn which is sad to see because it means that the admins and moderators are sadly failing at their jobs. :cry:

I feel confident that if someone posted similar items here it would be removed within the hour and the person banned, I know that the forums I have been involved with at an admin level it would have happened there definately. :evil:

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I agree that the Ezebadge forum is not working, I posted questions on it that never got answered with the last version of the software. Why would a company set such a system then never back it up with support? They would be better re-directing it to this one!

Anyway thats not an issue with the software, which I am methodically testing, analysing & reporting on at the moment.



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Guest Iain Cheall

just spoke to trend who are trying to sort out my problem of the R50 template not being set up correctly, they are currently discussing the problem with someone in HONG KONG :lol: I knew the chinese would be behind this somewhere :? they are going to phone me back when they get the answer but I think they are going to need to setup a new template because they have got it wrong with this one.


also I have been told that Lewis Adams who is the Director for Ezebadge has been made aware of the forum problems and will look into it.

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If you can speak Chinese you can speak to EzeBadge direct on


Tel: +852 2402 8730

Fax: +852 2402 8653


Initially I am more able to use the latest software, but its not without development problems as this thread suggests.



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Guest Iain Cheall

I have been waiting for over a week for trend to to ring me back with the results of their conversation with hong kong, good job i didn't hold my breath.

Their forum is now getting a daily visit from their admin and he is implying that the sticker sheets for the old version won't work with the new version.


I have been in the past a staunch supporter of this system but it's starting to grind me down, It is close to joining the metazza in the corner of the room never to be spoken of again.......Oh and I wont be paying the bill for shipping the new version out to me. :x

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The software is flawed and was launched before it was tested properly..In my opinion, I was promised an updated version in January at Trophex,, Have I had it NOPE, I hate having to keep chasing up companies for what they have promised. Chucked it in a box not having ever used it, Hope eze badge are pleased with themselves.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Iain Cheall

Right after 3 weeks I have finally sorted out my problems with this.


When I bought my ezebadge software form trend it came with at least 1 sheet of stickers and domes in every size, The R50 sticker's up til now unused were from a bad batch that were made incorrectly. Trend are sending me out a replacement sheet and want mine returning to double check this is the problem so hopefully in the next few days I can finally get hibs' centres done and out to him. :wink:


Have done some 25mm and 18mm centres today and they came out perfectly 1st time in double quick time too. :)


Think version 3 might be the solution after all :D

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Uk. I know just what you mean when you say that promises made at exhibitions are not fulfilled.


Beware all you exhibitors reps who make promises that you dont keep, the person you made the promise to may just be a forum member who may name you.


If someone made the effort to attend the exhibition to ask the question please tke it seriously just as you would a big order.

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There is an all new version which I have a copy off, I will be doing a full review in due course, but have been to busy to spend the time writing it so it might be another month at least!



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Chris has passed it on to me, you have any problems get in touch.


I've been working with the new software for a couple of weeks, and its much, much better than the previous version.


The only reason I havn't commented on this earlier is that I wanted to be sure of the system myself, before trying to help anybody else.

I'm now in a position to do that, so if anyone needs any pointers, give me a shout.



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We have tried this kit a few times and although can play with it to get something on paper always have problems with saving calibrations from one session to the next.


Have read the other posts it seems hit and miss as to whether this is going to work. Not enough time to play with it in a busy shop so it has our money and we have have no useful product.


Is the new software any better with printer calibrations. They need to be replicated job after job and user must be able to choose for different printers from the one software install location.


How are you all finding eze's new setup.


Also we are looking at new printer options so this kit has to be accomodated before we commit.


Yes we bought it at trade fair!

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  kev said:


Chris has passed it on to me, you have any problems get in touch.


I've been working with the new software for a couple of weeks, and its much, much better than the previous version.


The only reason I havn't commented on this earlier is that I wanted to be sure of the system myself, before trying to help anybody else.

I'm now in a position to do that, so if anyone needs any pointers, give me a shout.




Thank's Kev, I'm waiting for my updated version, and I'll let you know. Though from what I hear its much better.


Cheers Kev.

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Its gone in the post today UK900, so you should get it tomorrow.

Once you've loaded it on to your pc, you need to email me a code you're given to run thru a keygen program. We'll sort all that out next week.

Once thats done - you're away!



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