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Shoe Repairer Forum

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All my dyeing is done by my customers.

£2.45 retail for a bottle of dye, 9 times out of 10 they go away happy & do it themselves.

I did a pair once, but it took ages & wasn't worth my time doing it, compared to what the customer was prepared to pay.

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All my dyeing is done by my customers.

£2.45 retail for a bottle of dye, 9 times out of 10 they go away happy & do it themselves.

I did a pair once, but it took ages & wasn't worth my time doing it, compared to what the customer was prepared to pay.


Have to agree with that totally. Dyeing shoes is a potential minefield. Not to mention very time consuming.


I also sell the dyes and let the customers do the job.


If they become insistant on me doing the job I tell them it's £25 per hour for time + materials. and it's a 3 hour job. Oner to clean the shoes.. one to dye them and one to polish them... lol they soon see reason.


On and BTW £2.95 a biottle is a much better price . :D :D :D

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we quite happily dye shoes for any of our customers providing they sign a no guarantee waiver first - due to the problems that can be encountered.

most of the time we use magix spray with great success compared to the actual spirit dyes. (they don't seem to take too well these days, maybe it's all the chemicals the shoe manufacturers add to keep the shoes appearance).

we use meths and the back of a green scrubber sponge to prep the shoes and so far we've only had 3 returns in 5 years.


we don't do bags or anything made of canvas, fabric or satin, they are just too much trouble for the price and you can rarely get a good finish.

we do do suede and nubuck occasionally depending on the colour they want.


if you want to send any shoes for dyeing my way, let me know and we'll see if we can come to a mutual arrangement and i definitely won't ripyou off on the price!!!!


the only downside to this would be geting your customer to wait for 4-5 days and agreeing that all dyeing is at their own peril!!!


regards, rick

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Feibings have the best spirit dyes, obtainable via Abbey Saddlery.

Dye for you will teach you how to dye the shoes and set you up with their products if you have enough trade or private requests for dying, could be a big business for areas that sell a lot of wedding shoes and silk bags.

Frank Harvey (I think) uses the same product.

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