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Mercedes key cutting futura

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HI Guys

I have had this issue for a while using my futura and have used a second machine to cut the BDA type key blank using the futura.

If I decode the original key blank the decoding starts incorrectly and I get a decode with a key position one cut more at the shoulder end of the key I will try to expplian

The correct key code for a 2012 c class key 3355531213

The futura decodes it as 1335553121

I have tried using the card for 2012 c class that fails all together, I have tried a 2012 e class this reads but gives the same incorrect code as above, I have aso tried under the sprinter 2011 on and it decodes again as above?

Any advise would be appriciated?


Steve H

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The futura is requesting to use stop 2 and that is the stop I am using I have tried in all three and the futura fails on all three, unfortunatly I don't think you can change the setting on the futura to use a different stop, I have used the miracle tools inthe past and I know that option can be carriedo ut, but not the furura.

Any further help would be appriciated


Steve H

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It will depend which key is being decoded and which key blank is being used to cut on to.

Decoding using one card and cutting using another.

HU64T and HU116T have a double shoulder and would use Silca Card 913 Jaws 01J/04J on Stop 2 to decode and cut

Silca Card 913 10th cut to tip = 580mm

HU126T (BGA)  has a single shoulder and would use Silca Card 4207 Jaws 01J/04J and A34 Adapter on Stop 2 to decode and cut

Silca Card 4207 10th cut to tip = 400mm

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