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Lock for a friend's mum.

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I'm not a locksmith, but maybe one of you can help me. Got a friend's mum, she lives in rural Warwickshire (Shipton on the Stour). She keeps dead locking her front door. Her carers can't get in, and may stop visiting, she will have to go in a home. He needs a lock she cannot deadlock from the inside. If there is a local locksmith that could help, or some advise on which lock to fit, this would be appreciated. Apparently it is classed a very low crime rate area.


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If it is a Upvc door then either replace with a key and turn cylinder or  fit a Euro double with a clutch overide like the Cisa Astral cylinder.

If its a wooden door replace the mortice lock with a euro deadcase and fit a cylinder as per above.

If it is a standard Rim cylinder remove back section and either replace with a Yale 91 or strip down the lock punch out the deadlocking pin and remove the metal deadlock bar as required.

If it's a BS rim lock then it will be a much more dificult job to bypass.

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10 hours ago, MarkD said:

I think Graham has said it all, just be careful with the insurance if not using the mortice as may invalidate a claim.

IUf there is dementure or another pressing reason then the insurance would be OK it's a matter of health and safety- I fit many electric MPL's and door openers for such people oftem with keypad or fob outside

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