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Auto programmers for sale - ZEDFULL...MPV...and more

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Good evening guys and girls,

Forgive me but I have created my profile in order to sell my items, however, it is not for profit but to clear my debts. I am slowly looking to close down my business and I am starting with my auto locksmith tools. I have donated the necessary £20 to advertise here and if I sell the Zedfull or MVP on this forum I will donate further.

All the items are in Devon and are just over a year old. Please see the list below:

Zedfull - £4995

This is an almost complete package worth over £8k (excluding VAT). The package includes:

Zed-FULL £3495.00
Mercedes kit £1995.00
Eepromming kit £899.00
Cloning kit  £799.00
BMW kit £699.00
Programming kit £299.00
Emulating Kit £199.00

This package also has the capability and cables to program VAG cars when you need to remove the clocks.



MVP Pro - £1795

I am aware that the Smart Pro is now available in the UK which will lower the value of this programmer but this MVP comes with 3 months free use and I have been informed by Hickleys that my machine can be traded in for £1995 against the Smart Pro (I'm guessing I would have to do the deal on the buyer's behalf). 

The package includes:

MVP Pro £1995.00
3 months lifs £585.00
ADC100 cable (Master) £90.00
ADC146 cable (Iveco) £90.00



Other items for sale:

  • Keyscan programmer - £500
  • Solder station with hot air remover - £200
  • KD900 KeyDiy - £150
  • Vehicle battery pack - £150
  • TDB003 Proximity/Smart key tester - £100
  • VAG pin pulling tool - £50

Please feel free to contact me personally.







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Yes that is correct. I am selling an MVP Pro with 3 months free use which is worth another £600 on top which effectively brings the unit price down to £1200. Plus £180 worth of extra cables. So in reality the unit is going for just over 1k. 

I only mention trade in as someone may wish to get a Smart Pro and use this opportunity.

Are either of you interested in purchasing this from me? 

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22 hours ago, rapidlocks said:

i know someone looking for a zedfull but price he will pay is far lower than you are asking for due to token and lifs costs and due to not needing mercedes kit , but if it doesnt sell drop me a message and il get you an offer from him or put you on to him

The token costs have dropped significantly from what they were on the Zed-Full. Still no list of token costs you can check against though. So if it’s not a car you’ve done before you don’t know the token cost until you actually do the job. 

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