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Intermediate Apprenticeships - Footwear, Leather and Associated Services Information Sheet.

  What is an Apprenticeship?

An Apprenticeship is a work based programme that allows someone to achieve a qualification while learning and gaining the relevant experience needed for their job role.

  Who can achieve an Apprenticeship?

The Apprenticeship is open to anyone who has a contract of employment and is working a minimum of 30 hours per week.  A fee may be applicable to anyone over the age of 18

  What makes up the Apprenticeship?

The Apprenticeship Framework will contain the following:

•      A competence based qualification

•      A knowledge based qualification

•      Key or Functional skills


The competence based qualification is:

•      C1 ABC Level 2 Certificate in Footwear and Leather NVQ (500/6572/5)


The Knowledge based qualification is:

•      K1 ABC Level 2 Certificate in Apparel, Footwear, Leather or Textiles production (500/6576/2)


The Key or Functional skills are:

•      Math’s and English Level 1 (exemption from these will apply to anyone who has achieved GCSE or A Level grade A – C in the last 5 years from starting the apprenticeship)


How will I achieve the Apprenticeship?

You will gain the relevant training and experience on the job, consolidate what you have learnt through assessment, and progress through the qualification you are working towards. You will be appointed an assessor who will guide and support you through your qualification, planning and reviewing goals set and agreed.

How long will the Apprenticeship take?

The apprentice will be expected to complete their training in a reasonable and practical timescale, consistent with the demands of the framework. The time taken will vary and will also depend on the individual’s progress and ability. The average time anticipated to complete an Intermediate Level Apprenticeship is 12 months

Who do I contact if I am interested in completing an Apprenticeship?

Tom Beasley

Business Training Manager Tel. 0800 0094200

Stroud College          



How it all works?

Employers Guide to Apprenticeships in Footwear, Leather and Associated Services.


• Recruitment Make a decision to employ an apprentice - contact Stroud College on 0800 0094200 - Stroud College- to place an advert on the system. Once applications arrive, send out your own application form, interview, and complete trainability test. Once suitable candidate found offer a contract of employment to work a minimum of 30 hours per week. Advise college of selection.


• Induction to Company Ensure you cover Health and Safety of the workplace, employer and employee rights and responsibilities. A workbook for Health & Safety is included in the One File System for apprentices. The MSA holds information pertaining to rights and responsibilities for employer and employees.


• Enroll and Register Contact Stroud College and arrange for the learner to be enrolled onto the Apprenticeship, ensure the learner has been registered with the awarding body. The College will appoint an assessor to guide and support the apprentice through the qualification


• Induction to qualification and framework requirements The Assessor will introduce the apprentice to their qualification and explain the requirements, ensuring they fully understand what is expected from them. The assessor will ensure the learner is on the right framework pathway


• Plan Learning The assessor, employer and learner will discuss the units most suited to the learner’s job role and plan what training is needed for each unit. Workbooks to assist will be available on the One File System for the apprentice to download


• Complete Learning The employer and assessor will be responsible for ensure the learner receives the training needed to complete the qualification.


• Assessment Once learning has been completed, and the assessor is satisfied, assessment will take place gathering evidence towards the qualifications within the Apprenticeship. All assessment will be pre-planned and agreed by the learner, and where relevant the employer.

• Review Every 10 to 12 week the assessor, learner and employer will formally discuss and record the learner’s progress, training needs and development opportunities. Targets will be discussed, set and agreed between all parties and reviewed


• Verification An Internal Verifier will sample the assessor’s work throughout the qualification, and feedback according


• Certification Once the Internal Verifier is satisfied the standards of the award has been met, certification will be applied for through the awarding body.


• Funding Once the course is completed, funding can be applied for via the MSA



whats yer thoughts on this.......

carry on!

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Re |Apprentices, I am sort of looking at taking one this year,

my problems are -

what title to give, what contract, what to pay?

this sounds 'folly' except health and safety, insurances etc etc

also the Gov seem to make things way to difficult for us smaller businesses with employment law changing 'Every' day!

So that in itself is off putting.

and after consideration of all these things really makes me not to bother as who sits any final exams to give certification? answer me...

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