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Help with Honda motorcycle key

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Hi All,

Need a bit of help with a Honda key, the chap has brought in the ignition barrel, on the back of the barrel is the code 5INA78 but cannot find it on instacode, maybe someone with the Silca machine can decode it?

Any help would be appreciated.



just jiggle petrol cap and strip it will only be a couple of wafers short make key for it and if using instacode use cutting tree t decipher other two cuts then bibs your uncle nearly all bikes can be done like this in around 20 mins or an hour if using a miricle machine


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A78 would be a valid code for a Honda of the right year, make, model, & engine size,


the year, make, model & engine size, would be helpful in determining what you have in hand,


on most Honda's,


picking the fuel cap will reveal in most cases the code on the underside,


the code is also but not always stamped near the locking bolt on the ignition,


this link is for bikes sold in the USA and may not apply to bike sold outside of the USA,


but the code series should be the same I would think internationally,



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