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I have just started doing dimple keys. Well I say just started! I have the machine to do them but struggling a bit, hoping someone can help me?


Here is a picture of a key I need to do:Photo 03-10-2013 15 05 25.jpg


So do I use the same cutter for all the cuts on this key? I actually have two machine that do dimples. SKS Hurricane and An_San Panther SX. The later comes with just on cutter for dimples and for the Hurricane I have 95 degree, 105 degree & 120 degree?? So I'm totally confused :?


Any help would be appreciated.

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same cutter for all the cuts mate, i use the 105 degree cutter and have cut kaba gemini, multilock and 1 or 2 other types with it on an hd punto and the only issues i have had was with faulty blanks in 2 years of doing them and have cut a couple of hundred now as i am the only person in a 15 mile radius who cuts them from the customer key, including the local multiple

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