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As Ian said, you should be able to engrave them with a Carbide cutter.


It'll need to be sharpened to the correct angle to give the cutter more strength and reduce the chances of the tip breaking off.


Also, the tip of the cutter will need to be pretty wide and I usually set the machines speed settings to medium speed and make a couple of passes over the letters until I have achieved the desired depth.


Do you have a flat-bed engraving machine?

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Without coming across as being an "old woman" or "know it all" (coz Im not) I have heard some 'orrid stories about workers not taking proper precaustions when working with slate...the dust can be a killer! I expect you are aware but if not do please take time to look at this info sheet http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/guidance/sl4.pdf






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