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No one can copy these keys for me - true or false?

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Hi Growster.


Interesting. In theory I dont see why these cannot be cut on a milling machine, even with the cuts on the side of the blade. We have done similar before. If you like I would be happy to give it a go, if they don't work you don't pay. We would require written authority to duplicate X number of keys from the lock owner though - we stick to security proceedures even when out of patent -



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Looks like a Silca KA1 to me.


I can cut them or send you the blanks to cut, but it looks like the end has been ground flat for some reason.


Been cutting these for years with no issues.


Mini Kaba. Silca KA3 or JMA Jma KA-10. The end hasn't been ground down, that's how they are Graham.



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