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Thanks, but I don't appear to be able to open this. I've clicked on download which gives me a little box bottom left of the screen with the file name in it. When I click on that, a larger box appears and disappears in the middle of the screen and is replaced by another box asking if I want to open or save the file. It doesn't matter which of these options I choose, I just get the appearing/disappearing box scenario again. If I try to access it through the download library the same thing happens, and I have even tried dragging it onto the desktop and opening it from there, with the same result. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks, Valerie

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well, when a man loves a woman very very much, they use their inny and outy things (censored)

and after 9 months ...magically a new born baby appears into this world and it's not uncommon to give said baby a name to go by


in this case it's jimmy

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Thanks for the email Gray, but the computer says it doesn't know what program to open this with, and I got confused by the options given. I'll try again after lunch.

Andy, I downloaded the image to the desktop and imported it, and then the engraving program crashed. I've got it back now after a couple of restarts and some head scratching.

I'm obviously still doing something wrong.

About to eat fish salad for lunch (brain food), so hopefully I'll get it sorted later.

Thanks, Valerie

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