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OBD diagnostic system

Does anyone have any experience with this tool at under £2000 it looks like it does a fair few cars I know it won,t do fords after 2002 etc at the moment ,but the AD100pro is £2000 with only Ford software & thats it.I don,t want to get involved with tokens .I don,t get enough jobs to spend more than 2-3k & as I have all of the code machines picks etc ,& at this price it would pay If it does what it says on the box. Thanks.

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Ive kept a record of all the cars ive turned down over the last few years & this tool would have done them ,i,m trying to find out if can actualy do what it says it can do [-o< ? I allready have a Blitz,Viper ,RW4,ID46, pics etc & at 2-3k I could cherry pick the odd job & make it pay but above that its not worth it .The MVP tokens are too expensive for my market & they will only go up.

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