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funny that i got one in ..missing hours hand which customer wants but i noticed if you pull winder out one notch it will let you move hands but pull it more it will come out whole way is this normal for these mechanical..how do i sort it? :?: :?:

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funny that i got one in ..missing hours hand which customer wants but i noticed if you pull winder out one notch it will let you move hands but pull it more it will come out whole way is this normal for these mechanical..how do i sort it? :?: :?:


its easy to sort send it to lee in a couple of days it will come back fixed.



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No necessarily, a weak spring (assuming its completely undamaged) will allow the balance to spin faster, hence gaining time.

if you are altering the the advance/retard & it is making no difference then I'd be looking closely at the condition of the spring. I'd suspect one coil it kinked & slightly touching another so that your adjustments are having no effect on the length of the spring..



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It might be worth checking to see if there is a little bit of grease or oil on the hair spring.

Years ago, in a former life, Iused to get lots of watches in where people had taken the back off to oil it.!!

Just a thought , but certainly worth checking !!

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