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help needed with infill

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i have imported a vectorised eps image of a horse's head basicaly an outline of a horse with a small circle in it for the eye. when i engrave it as outline it looks to basic but infilled it would be nice but when i infill it engraves the lines all through the eye aswell. i wanted to engrave the horses head on a lighter and diamond drag a hatch infill inside the head and leave the eye as an outline. hope you understand now.

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I sometimes find this sort of thing a pain with Vistool 6.

Sometimes you can use the ignore groups button,then select just the eye and try to infill it.

Sometimes I select all,combine to faces,convert face to paths then select the eye and try to infill.

Generally I just muck around a bit with this without really understanding it but it seems to work.

An e-mail to Mark Chadwick at U-marq will solve the problem, proper expert. :wink:

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on mine i made sure head and eye were both highlighted (dotted lines)

then clicked inside the area i wanted to infill.

it does take a while for mine to think about it........................................and [-o< ................there it is.

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