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telephone /broadband package

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Hi All

had a phone call this evening from a company offering a cheap telephone / BB package but i can't find any customer feed back on the web to check if they are OK.

has anyone had any feedback on www. something.info? or have any other suggestions for cheaper supply



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Be very afraid of new companies and too good to be true deals - if you watch some of the consumer programmes when they go down so does your phone, internet and your phone number is blocked. I think Tiscali is the latest to get a roasting as they are ina bit of bovver innit.

BT may be uncheap but I suspect they would be bailed out if it all hit the fan so Im sticking with them - could be convinced to swap to Virgin, but the name gets up my nose -

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alan don't forget talktalk (carphone warehouse) if you have coverage in your area they have great packages ie free broadband free 01, 02 numbers mon-fri between 9.am-5.pm. thats the business package and free calls to all other talk talk customers. but you have to have a bt line not cable.

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I know they get a fair amount of flack in the press, but I swapped to TalkTalk last year, for 26 quid a month I get my BB (8Mb) which is quite good, line rental - and all my landline calls across all of the UK most of Europe, plus places like Oz and the USA.


I spend lots of time on the phone and it's been a major saving for me - I don't call europe that often, but it is often enough to make a difference - USA is a bonus as we have family there - the only gripe I have is whilst the sales team is keen and in England (surprise surprise) the call centers for problems is India - and the waiting times are a tad long - but they are free.

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Simply put, three of the UK's largest ISPs (Virgin Media, BT and TalkTalk) have decided to sell your private browsing history to an advertising broker. Yes, the entire content of every web page you visit gets sent to Phorm in real time, as you click. A personal profile is created, allowing Phorm to send you 'targeted advertising'.


Check out: www.badphorm.co.uk

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i have been with xln in the past as well and found them cheapest and good service as well i would recommend them any day ,, although they are only for businesses but if your business with them you can get line for your home as well..

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