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Leather/travel goods sales?

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Be careful with luggage. When I had shops, I sold a lot of it and did quite well. But, you have to balance out area allocated against profit made.


In my youth, I worked for Tesco, one of the little things I brought away with me was how much room you allocate to individual items, based on the return you're looking for.


For example, why allocate 50% of your shop space, if the return is only 5% of your turnover?


However, if you need loss leaders to get customers through the door, it can work !


Horses for course, but I know customers who have changed there shops entirely based on this principal :D



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we do our own - well that's all we do - range of leather goods, handbags, purses, belts, gloves - plus a larger weekender type bag - all English made, really top notch - but you pay for what you get unfortunatly... If anyones interested give me a shout and I will do good rates to people on the board as ever!


Just as a side note, I know I do expensive stuff... but last year after a load of problems that distract from this thread, I started doing gloves... I have never known them fly off the shelves so fast - really good little seller in the months after summer - you know - July forwards! haha

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