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just got in this morning to find someone has deleted my whole e-mail folder. i had an "andy" folder branching off the inbox, but it's gone. nothing in the deleted folder. holy cow, holy cow. can't find it. how do i get it back :smt119

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Guest Iain Cheall

just had a quick play with my Outlook express by making a folder putting a daft email in it and deleted it it was moved into the deleted files folder within outlook express look there if thats what you use

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Andy do you use Outlook Express for your mail?


Before you go any further, make sure you don't defrag your hard drive (most people don't know it exists anyway). Defragging will wipe what you've lost before you've had a chance to look for it.


Let me know what mail client you're using and we'll see what we can do about restoring the folder.


Seems ironic that! I've only just finished fixing my dad's laptop and used the forum to check his connection - and come across this!! :D



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