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Keys cut right

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True but,


Take the case of our local market stall who tell every customer returning with a key not working that there must be something wrong with the lock, change the lock!!!

And he is still busy after about 15 years of this customer abuse.

He's very cheap, has the variety of stock that would suffice for about a third of his business yet does not urn anyone away. My guess at his success rate would be 25%.

Cheap as Chips and a greasy personality to match.


Fortunately most shops will put right none working keys, the way the complaint is handled determines if the customer will return for further service.

I think most folk would take that opportunity to re-align or check the machine settings / cutters as it can be an early indication of a problem with the Key machine.

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mmm, being a 'market stall' how do respond to this? :shock:


i know for a fact that i provide a better service than my local competitors, i know this from the repairs and broken keys they turn away which they can't or don't want to do, i also know this in the fact that if i don't have a particular key in stock then i will order it for the next day for them, something that as far as i'm aware my competitors don't do though they surely have the capability. i never blame the customer's lock and i always put a fault right without whining or blaming the customer (unless the customer, which happens now and again, informs me that their original key sticks or doesn't work, even then i ask them to bring the lock if they can so i can find out why.)


i might not have the shiny new look and the larger premises that my competitors enjoy but i do have pride in my work and pride in the service that i can offer for the space i have, and you wouldn't believe how much we offer for a ten foot by ten foot indoor brick unit. (we do keep looking for bigger premises but shop space is at a massive premium in my area and unless we can justify stumping up the massive rates demanded on the high street, we just have to make the best of what we have for now)


as i was trained mainly by timpson and automagic i don't think anyone would be able to say that i can't or don't offer the skill and customer service that they offer as it would be a bad reflection on their training, especially as they told me they didn't want to lose me when i left. (see my post on wages)


we have one of those guys on the outdoor market hugh, gives all of us a bad name :evil: my bro goes and chats to him on occasion but i won't entertain him, i just hope that one day when he fetches his shoes in for heeling that he asks me why i never give him a professional concession :twisted: he'll get it right in the neck for his attitude towards his customers alone.



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Unfortunatly Rick, the shiny clean look does pull in the punters. Young girls are happier to have their heels done while they wait in a trendy looking shop, and most of these type of punters know little of quality workmanship.

I know thats wrong, but its true.

I think personality is a massive pull though. I've lived and worked in my town all my life, my customers all know me on a personal level, and have watched my kids grow up till they came to work for me.


Good luck for 2007 :wink:

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yup, tis a sad fact uk but i've come to rely on the same things you have to keep and obtain new customers, my personality and good local knowledge of my town's folk and their strange ways :lol:


don't get me wrong, wasn't saying my place looks a mess, just not shiny and brand new, fortunately, the young girls in my town are rather savvy when it comes to knowing what they want from their shoe repairer :) especially when he's damn good looking to boot :lol:

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Is it just me or was the the worst bit of grammer that was not right first time ?


People in glass houses springs to mind here!!!!!!!!!!!!


If we were to admonish everyone who posted for their gammar or spelling then I doubt if there would be any posts at all.!!!


We are not writing a letter by longhand with quill and ink, but in the majority of cases by a hurried single finger without the backup of a grammar & spellchecker.

You should also bear in mind ITShop that many postees, myself included, have not had the luxury of a formal education as far as English Grammar is concerned, we developed far more important life skills.

To critisize 1 member for bad grammar is akin to stabbing all of us in the back, please be more tolerant.


I was havin a wee funny at the "right first time " line, but now that I have had my wrists slapped for havin a wee joke at JT, Im sorry that Hugh thinks I have stabbed you all in the back ! I must mind my words in the prescence of the great one.


Oh and bye the way I dont me you. :oops:

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By Market stalls Rick I meant the outdoor variety that are there for a couple of days and move to the next town for the rest of the week. also attending sunday markets. One I know in Nottingham has his lot set up on a small home made trailer with a portable generator. I was refering to the fly by day types, not the static permanent stall holder. Multiples have branches within markets also.

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