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GravoStyle image import.

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Gravostyle supports the following File formats to import artwork


Bitmap file formats Image created from a grid of different coloured points on the screen or pixels.

BMP (*.bmp, *.dib) Standard format for Windows images

DIG (*.dig)

TIFF (*.tif) Standard format for transferring images between MacOS and Windows programmes

Window Metafile (*.wmf) Format of Windows images which include bitmap data and vectors.


If the image is in an unsupported format, open it with 'Paint' first & 'Save As' a supported file format, then import into the job

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Must admit , I dont find gravostyle the most user friendly prog I have ever used, I think it could be easyer, but once you are used to it its ok ( just ok) Its a thing of joy when software works as if by magic ( like all nokia) software, they seem to have a good handle easy interface technology .

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Hi Rich man,


I think everyone assumes you have Gravostyle 98 or G5. Its sounds like you are using Gravostyle Gift or Quick Click. If you are you need a third party graphic software to create your files, then export them as a HPGL file and import them into your program.


I hope this is of help to you. If not get back to me.


Warren :D

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Finally, someone gets what i'm on about...that is what i was trying to explain before. The point is, I was attempting to convert to HPGL with another programme, gravostyle detected the file as HPGL, but would not import it. Why could this be, and what programmes could i try to convert to hpgl?

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Right, if it's details you want, the shortcut says GravoStyle_G. (Read into that what you will, I can't tell you exactly at the moment, the programme is not on this PC) It's running on windows XP SP2, and I'm trying to import a converted scanned image into GravoStyle. I'm unsure of the converting programme, it's just something borrowed from elsewhere. As I said earlier, When importing, I get the error messages 'impossible rendering' or 'Unknown instruction' and the file does not import correctly.


If you want more details, let me know and i will find out.

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the problem sounds as though you are having problems with the vectorising program, not gravograph. would need to know more about this program and how it vectorises and exports. i use casmate which has 3 versions of hpgl to export, you need to use hpgl simple. if you want to call me when you are in front of your computer ring 07979755251 - i am sometimes hard to get hold of but leave a message and will try to help

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