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thread is the traditional way of calling the wire. yes we do stock it but at a cost as it is original american wire - something like £95.00 plus the cost of shipping and we only stock the large size for continental model. an alternative would be to try a wholesaler in europe or america for you Peter? if you are stuck let me know.

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You have me pondering now Peter, I wonder how many trades used these machines?

Up until now I was under the impession that they were made specifically for Shoe repairs. The Pesident of the company in Atlanta offered to ship me over there lock stock & barrel to teach the Yanks how to get the best out of themachine and to maintain it. Always wonder did I do the wrong thing in turning them down, could have been a naturalised Yank now as it was 1973 when he came here.

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was his name blase? you must know thys boon as well, he was a great auto soler fan. bronnleys was the only other trade i had to visit to check a machine so cannot help much there. as for other trades with shoe repair machines i once went to Gilberts of Rugby (the rugby ball makers) to repair a goodyear outsoler that was adapted to stitch their hand made balls. wouldnt tell me the secret of getting the balls the right way out after being stitched though

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thats good, winters here too, 5 degrees and a bit windy............... :?


Keep off the Sprouts Peter, :lol:


The machine that I thought was a Standard 8 was a Continental 8 and I found that the thin wire for this machine although I only ever had it in a small coil was made in large coils also, but not as big as the Comet 10.

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2 things I never liked about them,


1. If the concaved edge of the driver was chipped and there was not enough countersink depth it used to take the skin off your finger ends as you scoured the heel with all the sharp bits sticking up.


2. If you were riviting stilettos on and it was on the high pressure setting that was supposed to be for mens the darn shoe would go with an almighty bang and scare the living shit out of you.

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