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I have a local locksmith who has there own blanks, they only have there details on them, How would copyright affect these blanks?


Also I noticed on the link supplied that the cuts on the before and after showed with no angles, just how complex a key can this machine reproduce without 'cutting' through grooves?



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copyright on keys finished 2000 i think!

that was one of the reasons i bought this "Rholex" i was always getting customers with copyright keys and try as i could i couldnt get them quick enough. so 4 me copying copyright keys etc; has been great as customers know that i can cut (almost) all of ther keys and believe it or no, my key cutting is thru the roof!

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Guest Raymate

copyright keys are still protected

if it says patent protected you need to check when it runs out

some are valid untill 2010 and beyond

many key manufacturers are now making copyright keys with duel dimple cuts or inverted grooves

evva and ruko are just 2 but there are a lot

be careful not to cut copyright keys i know of someone who was prosecuted for knowingly cutting them BIG FINE


if you get a patented key you can easily check the patent

find the manufacturer in keyways or on the net give them a call quoting the number on the key and they will tell you

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copyright keys with up to 2000. not seen any after. dimple type arnt copyright keys usually there patented and i for one wont touch them, but there is still an awful lot of keys that u will struggle to get blanks for even with the silca blank identifier. kaba keys are very bad to touch as they will always procecute!

goes to show how complicated key cutting is - wish customers appreciated it!"

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