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problem cutting key for skoda

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Hi all. i seem to have a problem with a miricle A6 had it for just over two years, when i cut a hu66 key for a 2002 skoda.


it cuts the key okay but leaves an uncut piece on the nose of the key both sides. which ihave to file off. i put the key in

The first postion. has anyone had this problem.i did a clamp origin reset that made no differance. also looked for any

updates for the A6 on the korian site only for the A9.


Thanks Greg cox

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Hi Greg

When you get the screen that shows your speed, nose, sense you will see you most likely have the speed set on 'single cut'

'Single cut' setting is used when you may want to adjust the bitting of a key you have already cut, so it will do a single pass through the key. On this setting it is assumed the nose has already been cut away.

You need to change that to one of the other options i.e. Steel, brass etc. On these settings the machine will mill out the nose before it cuts the bitting.

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