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Up until now I've avoided doing these . I have Silca RW4 , P box . Mbox . Are there any makes that don't need diagnostic stuff to do  copy remotes , I don't want to get involved with Ad100 type stuff with eprom ( or what ever ) as I'm just not interested in getting my head round that stuff & probably wouldn't make that equipment pay . cheers.

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Yes loads of vehicles have manual procedures for programming remotes.


As you have an M-Box I would suggest Key-DIY covers loads of VAG stuff which you can do manually on remotes up to around 2005/2006. It also covers most Fords which use manual procedures and many more.


There is also nothing stopping you buying OEM remotes and cloning chips to put in them.


If your not sure about which vehicles and coverage you need then I would surgest getting an app like AD's IQ which will help and let you know which ones you can do and not do. 

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