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Shoe Repairer Forum

Hello from the Wilderness

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Well not really the wilderness: it's just that I'm not a shoe repairer but do love my shoes and boots so thought I'd register as this site is a mine of wonderful information. As an end-user of the products and services the bulk of ye gentlemen and ladies offer, I'm always keen to find out what are the best heel and sole combinations for hard wear as I'm 6' and around 20 st so you can imagine the torment my soles go through.


I have a couple of pairs of Loake brogues (rubber soled), a vintage pair of Alfred Sargent brogues, a 2nd hand pair of Grenson 1/4 brogues (these latter two are leather soled) and should shortly be receiving a pair of heavy duty, brass screwed and stitched, triple leather soled William Lennon 78 PTC boots. Seems I've got a thing about brogues and it's becoming an addiction that I don't see improving over time. At risk of being sexist, I thought it was the ladies who were supposed to buy and collect shoes at an alarming rate? :oops:


I don't imagine I'll be able to contribute much other than offer the occasional opinion based on my experiences of what soles I've had fitted and where. Hope you don't mind having me here.


Thanks and best wishes,

Graeme :)

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