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Vistool 6 - Hatching for infill help

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Running Vistool 6 on a Vision 1624 machine but can't for the life of me work out how to hatch the letters to enable infilling with paint. Could someone point me in the right direction!?


Any help appreciated.


Have you tried selecting letters to be filled then pressing shift plus q at the same time



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Shift and Q at the same time seems to centre the words in the workspace on this Vistool 6 I have.


If I go to "Production" and Toolpaths and select "Clearing Toolpath" this seems to be what I was hoping to do. Does anyone know what the best settings would be in the Clearing settings box?



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CTRL + F5 is a useful shortcut to get into the habit of using - it shows the path the cutter will take around the job.

You can immediately see if the cutter is going to go off somewhere you don't expect, and you can investigate to find out why.

SHIFT + M is then a good follow up shortcut, to optimise the job, if there's lots of hatching, it will make the engraving much more efficient.



With regard to your hatching dilemma, the 'Hatch Settings' box seems to be the key area.

45 degree angle is fine, set the gap toslightly less than the tip of your cutter.

For a 0.3mm cutter I use 0.25mm, for a 0.6mm I use 0.55mm and so on.

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What is the difference between "Hatched" and "Island" if anyone knows?

Hatched you set a width and an angle for the cutter to go backwards and forwards.

An island fill you set a width and it follows the countour of the shape round and round moving over the width you set with each "lap" of the letter/shape.


Hope that makes sense #-o

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