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i have an order for a lot of engraved padlocks, but due to health and safety regulations, the locks im going to supply need to be guaranteed that no single key will open any other padlock, their regulations state that the padlocks need to have about 10,000 different combinations of cuts/keys.


Hope that make sense? lol


I've contacted a few suppliers but none of them can guarantee this.


wondered if anyone can point us in the right direction. :wink:

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The most important issue is the type and size of padlock required.


Codringtons can do it on the papaiz range although they can only reach about 1800 differs (35/40 mm) but there

is a reverse profile so you can double that to 3600 total differs.


The 50mm padlock will offer a wider choice so best bet is to ring and ask to speak to Kenny Little on

Phone +44 (0) 20 8889 8494.


Your only other choice is Stalok they can produce what you want but are quite expensive and will require payment

on a pro forma invoice. To get around this i used Aldridges to place the order for me as the outlay upfront was

£28,000 + vat and we weren't in a position to outlay that money upfront even though it was for a petrochemical company who paid within 14 days of supply.


Onyx using Burg padlocks also came up trumps when we need 100 odd sets of padlocks keyed alike in goups of 30 but all guaranteed not to fit each other and they managed that within a 3 week timeframe although they arrived with us on the saturday morning which then had to be engraved and then delivered to site first thing monday morning (that was a long weekend) engraving five digits onto 3000 padlocks.


Also if the quantity is big enough then Abus will also produce these for you on the 85 range but they are again

reasonably expensive but have a huge time frame of about 20 weeks and with a minimum quantity.


A lot depends on the size of the padlock your customer requires.

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Thanks for that Graham, really helpful.


They need 30mm brass padlocks. He's happy with a maxus padlock but is concerned about this thing with the keys. SKS can't guarantee how many different keys there are

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I'm assuming these are for safety lockouts? The number of differs is high - try also contacting Master PAdlocks

Masterlock Europe Unit12, Wakes Hall Business Centre Colchester Road, Wakes Colne Essex CO6 2DB (01787) 222027 sales_uk@mlock.com they do a series but not sure of the differs - but they may be able to add to your collective.

I am sure your savvy enough to becareful about trade orders and payments- I do know of one Locksmith that is £15K down on taking a large lock order with a 'certified bank cheque' only for the bank to return it 10 days later as a forgery. He of course delivered the stock, B& G padlocks also specialaise in safety products 01902605946 sales@bgpadlocks.co.uk

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