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Shoe Repairer Forum

Soft-heel material

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I had some men's dress shoes with a soft resilient heel.

What is this soft-heel material called and where can I get a sheet of it?

I want to get a 1" x 16" x 16" sheet of the material to make a seat.

I am looking for something a little softer than a wooden bench; upholstery foam is way too soft.

I have been to all three cobblers in my town and they do not have it.


Thank you.

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It sounds like your after some EVA micro. Problem your going to have is the sheets are a lot larger than what you are after.

Perhaps someone on here can cut you off a piece to the size you require and charge you accordingly. Also it comes with a mesh pattern top (can be bought plain, but whether you will find someone who has it plain and will be willing to cut, post and invoice you a piece is questionable!)

If you want a full sheet (around 3.5' x 2.5') then google Edward Healy, GRS Footwear or Algeos they would all have it in stock.


Hope this helps. :D

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