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military medal edge engraving....

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looking for a little help...


one of my old soldier customers had his campaign medals stolen a while back and the police haven't been able to recover them, he's been in every cash converters and pawn shop in town but they haven't turned up...


he ordered new ones but the place he got them from can't do the engraving for his name/rank etc. on the edge and i said i would ask you chaps if there was anyone we could send them to who provide a service like this....


thanks in advance



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I had my medals stolen a few years back, pure scum the people that can do that. Luckily I found all but 1 of them in the local cash converters, my Gulf medal which is worth more was never recovered. I will need to send its replacement down to you as well.

What do you use if you do'nt mind me asking?

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