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Is This Possible?

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Hi Chaps,

I had a business meeting last night with a company that makes custom made drum kits for the rich and famous (Phil Collins being one of them)

Now then what he is after is logo's engraving on the sides of the drums, the biggest being 14" in diameter the smallest being 12".

I have the universal 300, could this machine be adapted to take such a big cylindrical drum or would i have to sub this work out to someone on the forum that could do this?

The materiel you would be working with is brass and copper, some of which would be powder coated.

Your ideas on this topic would be gratefully apreciated.


Cheers in anticipation


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Anything is possible... it all depends on whether the economics of the job stack up.

Having just measured my universal, I reckon just over 10" is the maximum diameter that will fit.

Hypothetically speaking, you could get new uprights made by a CNC machining company that were tall enough to fit the drums into the machine.

How many you get to do, and how much you can charge for doing so will obviously determine whether this is a practical option or not.

Of course, you could also speak to U-Marq to see if they could help in this regard. Maybe they have some prototypes that didn't make it into production that are just what you're after...

Good luck & let us know how you get on!

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Just spoke to him about this, the only problem i may have there is that the flat sheet would measure around a meter, my machine would'nt take that sort of size, however it then opens the possabilitys that there is a better chance of someone out there who has a flat bed engraver big enough to engrave the full sheet.


Spoke to Mark at u-marq and he said the only machine that he knows of that will engrave the 14 inch drum is made by Gravograph, and is around £20,000. :-k

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