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Please Help Driving me mad

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Hope someone can come up with an easy and fast solution to this one.


I have a silca bravo professional cylinder machine, just lately i can cut 5 keys for a customer and only 2 or 3 will work, so i have changed my blades and give my machine a good clean.

I regularly calibrate my machine by using 2 blank keys, i get the machine so that i just get a touch on the other key while the blade is turning.

Just got a new cylinder and cut 5 keys for it and all work, so is it a user error,dodgy keys or is my machine due a service?


Please help i had a full head of hair this week i am now almost bald. ](*,)

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Are there any deep cuts on the keys you are having a problem with ?


There is an adjustment that can be made underneath that stops the cutter getting to close to the jaws

and this caused me a problem when the machine was new.Bit of a pig to get the right adjustment though.


Also have you checked that the cutter is aligned correctly (left to right) as you can adjust this by removing

the plastic guard and undoing the alum key then you can move the cutter shaft (only ever needed to do this

on a rekord plus but it may be why you are having a problem).Again can be tricky to do.


Try using 2 brand new original cut keys that have a back shoulder and align them to the edge of the clamp then check the front guides are also aligned correctly,then set the depth using the 2 keys as you get a better feel as

to how close the depth adjustment is when using two cut keys as opposed to blanks.


I use 2 ankerslot keys cut them on my unocode then use them to alter the depth settings as required.

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Cheers Graham.

Just had a look at the keys that was brought back this morning, and the cuts are not that deep certainly not the deepest cuts we do.

This only started a couple of weeks ago, when i got a shipment of new keys.

Just had the lady back in with some keys i cut this morning, they too wont work.

I have looked at the cuts, and it seems to be the key is not long enough to get the last pin.

I am using the u5d from SKS, and i will be on to them on monday to see if they have had any problems with thier stock.

Used a 6d to see if they work, will let you know very shortly.

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had this problem sometime ago, with hd ul1, coudnt get last pin. problem now solved as hd have changed spec on ul1 and ul2 made them slightly wider. you can tell difference by the stamping on the head new one says true universal 5 pin ( on ul1) dont know if yours is the same problem but hope this helps.

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The original markings on the key was u5, it is making me think it is the keys because if i cut 10 keys only 2 or 3 are working and if i cut the key on a u6 and grind off the extra they work fine.

I got all the keys from the offer you had on just over xmas, it is going to be a bind looking at them all as i got about 1000 of them.

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