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Shoe Repairer Forum


Guest baytreeshoerepairs

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Guest baytreeshoerepairs

Hi, Just joined tonight and have only been in the trade for a short time.

Could anyone please tell me if there are any other suppliers in the industry (with reps if poss.)covering east devon than T. Colledge or Charles bIrch, if not with reps then any info will be welcome, thank you, Martin

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest baytreeshoerepairs
hi and welcome, is it just the shoe repair trade you are in?? or is it keys and engraving too?. you could try ringing marshall coppins to see if they come down your way, 02085241018

Thank you

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yes, another supplier reallly worth looking at,

Systen Compnents, repair materials, best prices i have ever heard of in 20 years,

supplying top pieces @ 9P upwards (yes 9P) not cheap rubbish same quality you get from other well known suppliers just that they are not the middlemen , this company actually supply them. leicesters (metal tops) only about 14P -

toe pieces, quarter steels soles stilletto heel blocks and they are worth a call.

make a note of the phone number and dont lose it!!

0116-260-8588. (Dave). this company are so good, you should make a donation to this forum with the extra money you are going to save...

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