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This is the scenario, I am astonished and bemused!


I have trade accounts with the majority of trophy suppliers who showed at Trophex. In an effort to give my customers even greater choice, I applied recently for an account with an outfit we have never used in the past, to protect them, you and me, I will not mention if they were at the NEC or not.


A rep from the company concerned phoned me and his opening gambit was to say that the application was entirely in order, as if building up for any easy let down. Sure enough he then went on to say, and he quoted the concerns name quite openly, that Concern X had been loyal to them in the past. Needless to say the other business is a stones throw away from us. We have entirely different business models and to a large extent different products, I refer customers to the other business who I can not assist with and deliberatly do not advertise locally. He quoted a particular reason why the loyalty was appreciated. Again I will not be specific with the reason so as not to help identify the supplier to any of you that may use them.


First off I am astonished that details of the other business were quoted, how is that for confidentiality? what do they do with our details for heavens sake! Suely even if there is no legal requirement then there is a moral or tacit one! The other business does NOT stock the suppliers items exclusively, far from it. Secondly I am bemused that a supplier would turn new business away. Surely if the loyalty was so strong then they would extend to Concern X such preferential terms that we could not compete anyway?


I am not complaining that we were refused terms but for the reason and how it was delivered was entirely unprofessional. To the contrary, given I now know how the supplier in question operates, I am delighted that a business relationship was not cemented.


Only mildly hacked off, thought I would share this exerience with you guys, feel free to comment as you see fit. :D





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Like I said, hardly bothered at all. And you are right, I am delighted that there is a giant advert around the corner for higher prices! What surprised me is how readily this organisation was prepared to drop names. Would you like a third party discussing your business with an unknown agent or in this case was Concern X complicit in blocking me? How often do they refuse new trade accounts just because they have somebody already located in the same town? Does not sound like a great business model to me. Hope this better explains where I am coming from. I will get to the bottom of it!

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Fully accepted Andy. That is where the confientiality aspect comes in with the possibility of the supplier alerting my business to the big boy around the corner. Could get messy if I don't leave it alone.






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Hi Lee,


Whilst I felt that the suppliers stance was unjustified and unfair the link you kindly provided confirms my suspicion. They are indeed treading on thin ice. A very nice bit of information to have in reserve.


I am once again indebted to you and other members of this brilliant forum, I will be making a donation. If this were ever to become a subscription site like one particual engraving site I am aware of in the the States, I would happily subscribe.



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