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Guest Soled_out

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Guest Soled_out

Hi Guys, New to the forum but i suppose you'll be hearing a lot from me now I've found you.


I'm in the market for a new computerised engraving set-up and have narrowed it down to Gravograph or Suregrave but while browsing their websites I notice that Mastergrave have taken all their machines off the site and a colleague has told me they have stopped selling computer machines. Is this true? and does anyone know if they are still supporting the machines that they have sold. I'm a little worried as i have an old Mastergrave machine. I will keep you all posted after i speak to them after easter holidays. :D

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your question may answer a question i had, there was a new company advertising all the machines but also based in bedford so i suppose they may have set up a new company or there may have been a split, someone will answer no doubt.


ps, if you look through old posts you will see they are all big gravograph fans here. their machines are more flexible

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Welcome Soled-Out! :smt039


I am slightly biased as I have only ever used Gravograph machinery.


However, I would strongly recommend their IS400 volume.


It is a cracking all-round machine that looks the part.


For the extra few thousand £ I feel it is a good buy.



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Hi Soled_out


Is this your first step into computer engraving? have you been using a manual machine till now?


As for mastergrave, something has gone on and one of the forum sponsors can probably tell us more, U-Marq also distribute the machine that Mastergrave sold.

I will Email U-Marq to find out whats gone on.


And welcome to the forum Soled_out.




*Edited by the admin, Following a phone call from one of the companies involved*

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Guest Mastergrave

Dear Shoe Repairer Forum Members


To keep everyone informed as to the correct version of events. Mastergrave is currently involved in an on going legal dispute regarding the computerised engraving machines, the details of which can not obviously be discussed.


Regarding our business, we are not experiencing difficulties, just restructuring.


Mastergrave continues to welcome new and existing customers, providing a wide range of options, items and accessories for all fields of engraving. Currently holding possibly the widest range of engraving accessories, watch this space for our future developments




Graham Luddington

Mastergrave Managing Director

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Hi Graham


Welcome to the forum, and thanks for responding to the topic. It is always appreciated when companies respond here on the forum.


As this is an ongoing legal dispute would all members please refrain from entering into any responses which could be unwelcome or place any parties into awkward legal positions during this period.



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I have now locked this topic, Should either company wish to make any statements on the forum they can either add a news article or if they wish to discuss issues with members start a new topic.



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