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No. Plates

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I do Number plates, but sadly to do them 'legitimate' you have to be a department of transport registered number plate supplier. Most GOOD number plates are now made on computer and the software allows NO incorrect spacing etc. so modified plates are becoming increasingly hard to get hold off.


Your best bet is to find an advert with plates 'for show use only' these are people with the old system and stock who can make up a plate.


Max power (probably, few years since I brought one) for car plates.

Motor cycle news (so I am told) for bike plates.


Be warned though 1/2 the plates I make are for trailers 1/4 are for broken MOT failing plates and the other 1/4 are for people getting 3 points on their license and a piece of paper instructing them to get a legal specification number plate.! :cry:



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