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Engraving multiple plates from 1 sheet of laminate in 1 job

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Posted this on Vistool Owners Club earlier but not sure if people will see it so here it is again:


Running Vistool 6 on a Vision/Suregrave 1624


Just got a job for 125 laminate door numbers and need to work out how to set up the job so I can a large sheet of material on a sacrificial base and engrave multiple plates from the one piece, the only difference in each plate is the actual number to be engraved.

Currently I've just been repeating the engraving process on pre cut pieces of material, but this job is a lot bigger so would like to learn how to do it.

Checked in the manual and can't find anything that makes sense to me.


The plate size is to be 100mm x 25mm  with radiused corners.


Any help gratefully received!!





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Hello Dave

If you set the machine up as though you're going to do one 100mm by 25mm plate on the flatbed and enter the first door number, then right click on the workspace, you should get the option to 'duplicate workspace'. Clicking on that will give you another box where you can enter how many plates in the X direction and how many in the Y direction you want to do. This will then duplicate that first plate out to cover the area. Granted you'll need to change the door numbers, but the spacing will be correct. 


Hope that helps. Valerie

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